Yosef Marcos Fuchere

Hometown: Tikkur Weha

Living in: Awassa

Church: Mekane Eyesus

Marital status: Unmarried

Salvation experience: Yosef grew up in an Orthodox home.  His brother became an evangelical Christian and shared the Gospel with him, and he became a believer at the age of 10.

Life and ministry experience /Present ministry: Yosef is an evangelist and Sunday school teacher.  He is also a 1st year student at grace Theological College.

Vision for the future: Yosef wants to witness to unreached people groups and to start an prayer movement on their behalf.

Prayer requests:

  • That God would give him discernment to tell the difference between believers and non-believers
  • That God would enable him to become fluent in English
  • That he would be empowered to overcome demonic spirits
  • That God would bless his family with salvation as well as Ethiopia in general
  • That God would give strength to the people in his church to live holy lives
  • That God would save the unbelievers in his church
  • That God would reveal the power of Christ in his life