Shiferew Feleke Siso

Hometown: Hosana

Living in: Awassa

Church: Mekane Eyesus

Marital status: Married (Mulunesh Tinebo [link])

Salvation experience: Shiferaw grew up in a Christian environment.  Eventually, the Holy Spirit moved him to begin a personal relationship with Christ at age 19, and he became very devoted to prayer and personal Bible study.

Life and ministry experience / Present ministry: Has been involved in various ministries, including teaching Sunday school, leading the choir, and leading an evangelistic outreach group.  In 1992, he was called to become an evangelist in the Mekane Eyesus church. He eventually attended seminary in Addis Ababa and was ordained as a pastor in 2002.  He is currently the head of the evangelism department in the Mekane Eyesus national synod of 1,200 churches.  He has also written a book on stewardship as well as various training materials. 

Vision for the future: Wants to continue to impact people in the kingdom of God by teaching, preaching, and counseling.  Wants to write more books and training materials. 

Prayer requests:

  • That they (he and his wife) would be good instruments in the hands of the Lord to impact people. 
  • That God would use them mightily as they work with the national church ministry—their holy passion. 
  • That God would provide them children in His timing.
  • That God would provide opportunities for further education (Ph.D. in Theology, Counseling, or Sociology)