Kassa Mangesha Gezimu

Hometown: Hagere Mariam

Living in:Awassa

Church: Mekane Eyesus

Marital status: Married (to Aynalem Hailemariam)

Children: Tsehay 32), Afework (30), Birtukan (27), Wondesen (26), Abiy (25)

Salvation experience: Christian students witnessed to Kassa many times in high school, planting seeds and preparing his heart.  He finally decided to follow Jesus after hearing the president of the Mekane Eyesus church preach at his school. 

Life and ministry experience / Present ministry: Kassa is a pastor—teaching, preaching, visiting homes, baptizing, praying for the sick, and freeing those under witchcraft are all in a day’s work for him. 

Vision for the future: Kassa’s burning desire is to reach Muslims for Christ.  He wants to teach a group who will go out to reach Muslims (this has been a long-time burden).

Prayer requests:

  • That God would continue to sustain his family as they are all following Jesus; that they would keep up the same pace for the Lord until His coming
  • That God would cause the groups he is discipling to bear fruit
  • That God would sustain him as he is getting older; he wants to continue in ministry