Getahun Gebeyehu Gerrernew

Hometown: Dese

Living in: Awassa

Church: Mekane Eyesus

Marital status: Unmarried

Salvation experience: Getahun came from an Orthodox background, but became a Christian at age 15 when he went to a church program to see what they were teaching. 

Life and ministry experience / Present ministry: Getahun is a full-time evangelist in the Mekane Eyesus church.  He is also currently a 2nd year theology student in Addis Ababa. 

Vision for the future: Getahun has a special burden for this generation, and is being equipped (in Bible school) to serve them by giving balanced Christian teaching

Prayer requests:

  • That God would give him success in ministry (he wants to get God's agenda and serve that agenda for the rest of his life)